The amp's impedance is typically a fraction of ohm, the cable is probably a few dozen ohms and the speaker is 4-16 ohms. No way anything will be "matched".
That's the point, nothing is matched, but it's unquestionably acting as an aerial and the out of band mess was there in Cordell's measurements. I worked out the characteristic impedance at the time the book came out, which is over 10 years ago, and though there was quite a margin as to what it could be as I didn't have 100m of the cable to measure, I seem to remember it came out somewhere around 220R, hence the 1nF +220R. I was going to do a dip switch attachment to try different values of C and R, as it might have been as low as 150 ohms, but I never got round to it. Also I couldn't hear any difference between different values I tried but I could hear a difference between with and without. I still use a CR across speaker terminals to this day.
I don't think any kind of standing waves can develop, though, due to the cable being much shorter than the highest frequency wavelength.
I wouldn't imagine they can, but this is not really an area I know very much about. I can't remember what frequency Cordell's graph went up to, or the left hand scale, or even the kit he did it on (which might have given me an idea of what it was) but the out of band mess was alarming. It was a mountain range! I don't think I had a System One back then but I guess I could repeat what he did, if even if only partially. The CR was his suggestion but he didn't give any indicative values - I guess for proprietary reasons. He is a consultant after all. It really is a shame I don't have his book here.
Maybe because it doesn't change much. A decent cable may have a resistance of about 0.1 ohm, which is nothing compared to the DCR of the voice-coil.
Cable may be 0.1 ohm nowadays but it didn't used to be until people started taking cable seriously! Quite a lot of things to do with the Q have been ignored in the past and several still are today. I've been looking at this quite recently and my estimate is that quite a large number of speakers that were sized for, say, a Q of 0.707 actually have a Q closer to 1. (This turned out to be exactly the measured Q of a pair of Isobariks I have, with the resonance at a not especially impressive 45Hz, which is some long way from the specced free air resonance of 25Hz at a Q of 0.37!) The thing is that once you start putting resistances between the driver and the amplifier it doesn't just raise the Q but that resistance also means nothing to the 100 ohm peak of the resonance so you get a bump there in the voltage as the sensitivity of the system comes down.
The change in Q caused by temperature variations is 2 orders of magnitude higher.
I have tried to find these rises in temperature and I haven't been able to. I seem to remember Keith Howard also tried at one time too, after me, and couldn't either. Your estimate, if it comes from what you've read, may be based on the work KEF did on the T27 and B110 (maybe in an LS3/5a, I don't know) as that's the only work I know that used a music signal (and different types of music). I mean to repeat my efforts as I have a nice idea for how to measure the temperature of the coil continuously and I need a more definitive set of figures for simulation because the change in load obviously pushes the crossover around. I'm working with a few tenths of an ohm for a normal listening level, which is essentially fixed, and then looking to see what changes in shape there are either side of that. Not 10 ohms.
1500pF is 1 kohm at 100kHz. An amp that is not capable of dealing with it is poorly designed. You can't conclude that the cable is defective, it's the amp that is.
There are plenty of conditionally stable amplifiers out there. I haven't said the cable is in any way defective, just that they change the phase margin. And if you go to a concentric cable or a Litz cable you'll get a LOT more capacitance than that.
I seriuosly doubt a "1nF+220R" network across the speaker changes anything perceptible; I don't think it's even reliably measurable.
We can see from the values that it's not inside the audio band, so there are other mechanisms at play. We know from Cordell's measurements that there are ultrasonic artefacts and he's suggesting that terminating at least one end of the cable properly will help things. I expect he's tested it too, rather than send his book out with a conjecture in it. This is only 700kHz so I expect it is measureable. One could increase the C to 2n2, which is another value I used (in fact was the one I plumped for even though I couldn't hear a difference). But the point is that these frequencies are going to jump across junction capacitances and be all over the amplifier. I'm not sure how you expect the amplifier to "deal with it". It's not a one-way street with the currents all going where we envisage them going. I'm as clueless as anyone as to what happens when you hand an amplifier something above its GBWP and slew rate (from the wrong end) but I know it's not a good idea. At the other end I put 100pF across the inputs and an RC on the way in, and that's from a shielded cable and something with grounded casework (usually). Are these then wasted components? I really don't see how one can have one but not the other.