WTF Florida?

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And what equivalent to this law has been enacted in California? You're simply evading the issue at hand by indulging in some rather weak whataboutism.

And how does this "blogger" rule fit into a political system that is absolutely littered with dark money? There are hundreds of millions (and way more on the right than the left) that pour into politics with no way to trace it, and Florida is worried about bloggers? One of the largest "news" organizations in the country conspired (from the top man on down) to knowingly spread lies to support their preferred presidential candidate, and Florida is worried about bloggers?

It's worth wondering what might have inspired this legislation. Is it possible that Rebekah Jones or some other blogger got under DeSantis's skin? Is he worried that if people start digging into his record as FL guv that it might interfere with his presidential campaign? Or maybe he's worried about his opponents on the right--Trump, Bannon, or the shrinking anti-fascist element that remains in the GOP?

Funny too that our self-proclaimed "free speech absolutists" suddenly are willing to support a measure that would absolutely work to chill free speech. But hypocrisy has long been one of the things conservatives truly excel at....
I didn’t say there was anything enacted in California to it’s equal. What I was doing was taking your statement of the dangers “there are likely to be serious issues with selective enforcement in a state where govt. is so tilted to one party.” and explaining how that alone is very much like California. You can see how badly the state is turning out.
He’s passed more legislation in his first two years than any president since FDR.
More is not better in this case.
Bipartisan infrastructure, prescription drug pricing regulation, the remains of build back better.
Infrastructure like unnecessary heated sidewalks? Racist roads? We'll see if the prescription drug deal actually works (or did costs just get shuffled to "the taxpayer?").

Organizing and keeping NATO focused on Ukraine.
Ukraine isn't in NATO. Maybe if Obama hadn't screwed with them during his tenure the situation could have been diffused. Also note that Putin made no aggressive moves when Trump was in office...I wonder why?

Lots more stuff too.

You may disagree with what got done but there is no question it has had a big impact on the country.

Yes, I see the "big impact" on my retirement investments, at the gas pump, on my grocery bill, and pretty much everything else. Great job.
Yes, I see the "big impact" on my retirement investments, at the gas pump, on my grocery bill, and pretty much everything else. Great job.
I agree - great job. Social security payments have increased, rising interest rates have increased the value of my retirement investments, gasoline is more available and prices are lower in the US than almost anywhere else in the world, and I can eat well by not going overboard on high end foodstuffs. I am lucky to live in California, a state that tries to take care of its less fortunate (woke is short for awakened, as opposed to asleep at the wheel), and where I haven't had to pay any state income tax for the last few years.

I'm happy as a pig in shit.
I’m fully in favor of the US invading Canada. It’s practically the same culture except for the Quebecois, and no one like them anyway. I would feel much safer if we didn’t have those crafty Canadians right next door.
I agree - great job.
My sarcasm passed you by.

Social security payments have increased, rising interest rates have increased the value of my retirement investments,
Interest rates aren't keeping pace with inflation...

gasoline is more available and prices are lower in the US than almost anywhere else in the world,
Yes, but they are still much higher than they were before Uncle Joe steered us into the ditch.

and I can eat well by not going overboard on high end foodstuffs.
All foods are more expensive. By quite a lot.

I am lucky to live in California, a state that tries to take care of its less fortunate (woke is short for awakened, as opposed to asleep at the wheel), and where I haven't had to pay any state income tax for the last few years.
Because others are making up the difference. Woke is faux awakening. It is irrational blindness to reality.

I'm happy as a pig in shit.
There's plenty of that in CA. Stay there and wallow away.
Likewise. :D
No wallowing or dependency on government programs for me. And I have no plans to return to the failed state of California. But with a net 700k productive citizen loss over a 3 year period, you might see some more "improvement" there <sarcasm>. Meanwhile my state is seeing a huge influx of refugees fleeing failed blue states.
I’m fully in favor of the US invading Canada. It’s practically the same culture except for the Quebecois, and no one like them anyway. I would feel much safer if we didn’t have those crafty Canadians right next door.
Actually, most Loyalists (those who sided with the Crown during the American Revolution) fled the former 13 colonies to Canada. Some went to the Carribean. Most Canadians I've met are very nice, but they do not have the same love of Liberty and are too willing to bow to authority. There are exceptions, of course (the Quebecois being the biggest group). I'd rather we welcome the freedom-loving trucker protesters and Quebecois to join us and leave the rest to lick Justin Castreau's boots.
Yes, I see the "big impact" on my retirement investments

Interest rates aren't keeping pace with inflation

Higher interest rates cause stock and bond prices to fall. Do you want higher rates that keep pace iwth inflation? Or do you want lower rates so that the value of your retirmenet investments will go up? Pick one, you don't get to complain about both.
Higher interest rates cause stock and bond prices to fall. Do you want higher rates that keep pace iwth inflation? Or do you want lower rates so that the value of your retirmenet investments will go up? Pick one, you don't get to complain about both.
I understand that and was not complaining about both. Apparently crazydoc does not which is what I was trying to point out as he seems happy with higher interest rates on his "investments." What "investments" benefit from higher interest rates? Bank savings accounts, CDs, etc. None of that keeps up with inflation. Try reading my comments in the context of the conversation.
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I understand that and was not complaining about both. Apparently crazydoc does not which is what I was trying to point out as he seems happy with higher interest rates on his "investments." What "investments" benefit from higher interest rates? Bank savings accounts, CDs, etc. None of that keeps up with inflation. Try reading my comments in the context of the conversation.

When you seemingly blame Biden for the poor performance of your retirement account, what context are you referring to?
When you seemingly blame Biden for the poor performance of your retirement account, what context are you referring to?
I blamed Biden and Democrat Governors and Mayors for ruining the economy. A weak economy hurts all of us. Then there's the excessive spending (also helped along by some conservatives) which has led to inflation.

The context of my reply was simply rebutting crazydoc's assertion that everything is just great under Biden (and Newsom) and his investments are better because of higher interest rates regardless of rampant inflation.
I understand, but I've taken care of all my needs, and then some, and I live in California, so no worries. WTF would I need any more money for?
Pretty selfish viewpoint. What about your fellow citizens who lost their jobs or businesses during the lock downs? Or those less fortunate who are most hurt by inflation and a poor economy? WTF, indeed.
I'm criticizing the policies (and politicians) he supports and pointing out hypocrisy. Are observations no longer allowed?
It sounded like personal criticism to me...

rules said:
4. You will find that the members of this community are courteous and respectful of each other, so please reciprocate those gestures. Leave the flame-war mentality at another forum. Personal attacks and generally hateful comments (regarding race, religion, gender, sex, etc...) will not be tolerated.

CrazyDoc is a big boy and can take it, but I don't want to normalize this.

Pretty selfish viewpoint. What about your fellow citizens who lost their jobs or businesses during the lock downs? Or those less fortunate who are most hurt by inflation and a poor economy? WTF, indeed.
These are worldwide problems. That's why we have a government, and the democrats seem to be doing a much better job than republicans, especially if you want to talk about selfish.

I've paid my dues - Peace Corps, Viet Nam, and a career working in community health clinics. I still pay taxes (federal), donate to charities, and help my acquaintances less fortunate than me when I can.

Somewhere I've read, "If it is to be, it is up to me."