GroupdDIY 511 Racks: round 5.5 available

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My preferences:

-Back silkscreen not needed
-Black rack ears prefered
-No sub d
-11 slots
-EXternal psu


(edited the PSU pref)
-back silkscreen not needed
-black rack ears preferred, but able to operate spray can
-no sub d
-11 slots
-external PSU, see below

not clear on the PSU issue, how well is the internal version going to be shielded?
i know that chandler don't recommend putting there germanium 500 next to the internal PSU in an original API is this an area where the 51x is going to be an improvement?
i should imagine a 16/24/48 PSU will be quite a chunky affair, which brings me to another question, what is the rating going to be for a worst case scenario with, say, 11 neve style modules drawing heavily only on the positive 24V rail?

knowing the people that are involved in developing this, I am sure you have thought this through....just being curious :)
For me:

-Back silkscreen not needed
-Black rack ears preferred but not essential
-sub d not needed
-12 slots not needed
-Internal PSU if the screening is done right. Otherwise external PSU.

-Back silkscreen is unnecessary really
-I'd prefer black rack ears, but as others have said they aren't essential
-No sub D, just xlrs
-Just 11 slots here please!
-The internal PSU would be great but I can live without it if an external one would be better suited.


I have done the principal design on the internal PSU version. I am working on the detail for servicability. EMI issue has to be addressed properly which will have an effect on the depth of the case.  Mu-metal screen, or having the transformer cased in mu-metal are considered.

Getting even better...
Can I remind you of my interst of 1 rack, 1 power, and 11 plank covers to prevent the neighbours cat warming herself there


I'm pretty much with everyone else.

Silkscreen isn't necessary
I'd like black rack ears if possible but I'm not picky
Will the DB25 be a thing that can be added later or do we pretty much have to pick right away? I don't need it now but you never know if in the future it'd be convenient.
11 slots are enough, gotta fit in the rack.
I'm either way on the PSU, I would almost lean toward the external just for noise and serviceability issues.

I already put my order in a while ago but I'm thinking I would dig having a 2nd PSU to keep around for testing and calibrating modules.

Thanks for all of your guys' work.
Well can't say no to something as cool as this:

Back silkscreen not necessarily needed (would be nice though ;)
-Black rack ears prefered
-No sub d
-No 12 slots
-Internal psu

re: the finish, i actually quite like the unpainted look of the prototype! but i'm not sure if that would tarnish/rust... otherwise, black paint is fine.

re: back silkscreen - not fussed. it would be nice, but not a big deal at all - i'll letraset it if it comes plain!

apart from that i would like:

- 11 slot
- external psu
- no sub d

I'll take it however it comes BUT
preferences for whatever makes it easier
[ more straight forward & lower cost ]

No screening on back
Yes to rack ears
no Dsub
external over internal supply [but would take either in fact maybe both ]
20 slots perferred
-Back silkscreen not needed
-Black rack ears preferred
-No D-Sub
-11 slots
-Internal PSU
110 backplanes have been ordered today.

thanks for all the input / opinions.

first 100 are for sure 11 slot, external PSU, and this won't be a one off.
but it is important to know what to focus next.
[silent:arts] said:
first 100 are for sure 11 slot, external PSU, and this won't be a one off.

In that case: external PSU is fine  ;D  The shallower case is a plus too.  (have edited my preference)
For what it's worth:

- anybody needs silkscreening on the backside?
Not I.

- the rack ears have to be black?

- no demand for the SubD25 version?
Normally I run "ole skewl" with XLRs and/or TRS, but I'm indifferent as long as I have I/O to my patchbay...

- how many 12slot versions?
My use for it is in a 19" rack.

- how many internal PSU versions?
Indifferent - I can go either way (with the PSU, that is!)   :p
Barish said:
For me:

-Back silkscreen not needed
-Black rack ears preferred but not essential
-sub d not needed
-12 slots not needed
-Internal PSU if the screening is done right. Otherwise external PSU.



I'm in for a set! I hope I'm not to late!

- silkscreening not needed!
- Black ears !
- no SubD25 version!
- For my a 12slot versions!
- Extern for my pleas!

I from germany!

-Back silkscreen not needed
-Black rack ears preferred but not essential
-sub d not needed
-12 slots not needed
-Internal PSU if the screening is done right. Otherwise external PSU

my preference:

-Back silkscreen not needed
-Black rack ears prefered
-No sub d
-11 slots
-EXternal psu

I hope I'm still counted for 1 x 11 slots + psu ( depend on the price of course)

I'm going to have to give up my rack for the next guy. I just realized that I have more than 6 diy projects on the go now... I need another like i need a hole in the head. I'm sure I'll be buying one eventually though! Thanks for all of the hard work guys!

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