know any jokes?

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My Stepdad worked as an engineer at a Boeing facility at a huge USAF airbase. A new guy hired as a mechanic in one of the hangars would be handed a bucket and told "Go to hanger 7 and bring back some prop wash". Hanger 7 was all the way across the base. There he was told "Don't have any prop wash here...go to hanger 12." The opposite end of the base. Etc etc since all the long-timers were in on the ruse.

Two guys are talking
Guy 1: you should get as excited about going to church as you do a football game

Guy 2: I did that once. They asked me to leave.

Guy 1: why?

Guy 2: after the sermon I dumped a cooler of gatoraid on the priest
A bit of topic (not a joke), but there was this film (on video) going around (years ago) called Supershow. filmed in a warehouse in the late 60s. Anyone seen that? Modern Jazz Quartet, Buddy Guy, Led Zeppelin, Steven Stills, Clapton, Band of Gypsy's drummer (can't remember his name - just looked it up, Buddy Miles) and Glen Campbell, others I can't remember off the top of my head. Clapton looked, let us say, unwell. Buddy Guy was quite the show man.
Two old men are talking at a cafe about their love life. One says to the other I been using viagra and things couldn’t be better. Do you use viagra?
The other guy says the idea of me using viagra is like putting up a brand new flag pool on a condemned building.