know any jokes?

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Three nuns were involved in a car crash and died.
When they get to heaven, they are meeting at the pearly gates by Saint Peter.
He tells them that in order to get into heaven, they have to answer a question each.
So he asked the first nun, what was the name of the first woman?
The nun rep replies, Eve. Saint Peter says yes, you can get into heaven.
Then he turns to the second nun and ask, where did Eve live?
The nun replies, the garden of Eden.
Saint Peter says correct, you can get in.
He gets to the third nun, and Says, as you were the head of the convent, your question is going to be a little harder.
He asked the nun what did Eve say when she first saw Adam?
The nun thinking to herself says aloud “oh that’s a hard one” as she didn’t have an answer.
Saint Peter says that is correct you can go in.