favorite "political" quotes

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Regardless, most of the time, listening, smiling, and saying thank you for change shows a lot more. Do what you wish with unsolicited opinion, but the rhetoric is just f-ing ugly and is quite a bad look.
Yes, it would be nice if the Europeans would thank us for our grandfathers' and great-uncles' sacrifice in saving "the continent" from Naziism and the Soviets. Your opinion about my posts is noted. For the record I did not support W/Cheney & Co and they're crappy warmongering. I don't think "nation-building" is a sound policy. I don't support most of the CIA's activities related to color revolutions or other political manipulation.
We are on the same team as the EU in the evolving international culture clash. European nations and Great Britain inspired our founders in multiple ways but for good effect overall.

We are on the same team as the EU in the evolving international culture clash.
I'm not convinced of that at all. Globalism and mass immigration are not the path to peace or continuation of civilized western society.

European nations and Great Britain inspired our founders in multiple ways but for good effect overall.
And yet the colonies were populated largely by people who wished to escape the countries of Europe for an assortment of reasons, some extant to this day. A few good ideas were supplemented with a whole new set of ideas which were and are unique in the world. That doesn't make them bad. If people prefer the governments/societies of Europe...well, there they are. Go enjoy them. But don't tell us we have to change to suit your desire to "improve" what many here in the US don't believe needs improving.

You’re perceiving this as a them over there vs an us over here; go live over there. You keep presenting it as that, but you’re dead wrong. To be as perfectly blunt as possible, you’re using exactly the same line of thought as the starting basis of the KKK, legal segregation, and some extremely right-wing talking heads and politicians today with a softer, more chewable rhetoric for the everyday American in today’s era.
You’re perceiving this as a them over there vs an us over here; go live over there. You keep presenting it as that, but you’re dead wrong. To be as perfectly blunt as possible, you’re using exactly the same line of thought as the starting basis of the KKK, legal segregation, and some extremely right-wing talking heads and politicians today with a softer, more chewable rhetoric for the everyday American in today’s era.
I'm trying to suggest there is an "us and them" vs. THEM (ISIS, radical islam, china, russia, etc. )

but I am an unrepentant optimist...

You’re perceiving this as a them over there vs an us over here; go live over there. You keep presenting it as that, but you’re dead wrong. To be as perfectly blunt as possible, you’re using exactly the same line of thought as the starting basis of the KKK, legal segregation, and some extremely right-wing talking heads and politicians today with a softer, more chewable rhetoric for the everyday American in today’s era.
Put your crazy hyperbole away. The fact that our Republic is not like any other is what I'm referring to. We have always been multicultural. We see things differently than Europe. Our ancestors built and maintained a successful nation and handed it down to us to continue.

Yet (again) you don't hear Americans constantly harping and carping on European governments and their failings. I tire of the continual critiques of my country and my government, especially when these are based on ignorance and fundamental misunderstanding. This has nothing to do with racism, extremism, or any other BS perjorative you toss in with little regard. Give it a rest.

For the record, my wife is a brown-skinned immigrant who is now an American like the rest of us. I'm proud of her and all of the other legal immigrants who have come here to follow their dreams.
No assumptions. It’s all exactly what you keep on saying over and over. You’re getting your views across exactly how I’m perceiving them then. It’s a slippery-slop into the bowels of disgust.
There's nothing racist, extremist or otherwise-ist about wanting to preserve our nation's strengths, including our unique Constitution and fundamental values. There's nothing wrong with pointing out that there are other options available if you don't like it here. Around one million people every year choose to legally immigrate to the US because they see the opportunity it provides. Are you saying they're all wrong or that emigration isn't a valid option?

Your disgust is your problem. You don't know me, do you?
No one has accused you of any of that; though you’ve defended yourself as otherwise. I’ve simply pointed out the problem with your rhetoric with a direct line of why and the existence of perception because of it. Choose to do what you will with that.
No one has accused you of any of that; though you’ve defended yourself as otherwise. I’ve simply pointed out the problem with your rhetoric with a direct line of why and the existence of perception because of it. Choose to do what you will with that.
And I've pointed out that your "logic" is flawed (re: "slippery-slop into the bowels of disgust"). That you perceive some connection between what I've said and some racist extremism is ridiculous, but typical of much rhetoric emanating from the left these past several years.
Your comment about other more 'primitive' civilisations says it all AP ,
The native American tribesmen at least lived in some sort of equalibrium with nature , thats not to say crops didnt fail or there wasnt droughts or diseases or other stuff that caused mass extinction events along the way .
Maybe you can explain how exactly modern civilisation , which lets face it goes very much against nature and is totally unsustainable is anything but a short fuse with a clusterfuck waiting for us all at the end of it ?

Those who complain bitterly about immigrants best realise the population of the USA would be in terminal decline were it not for the new blood coming in , in a economic system where growth is key and birth rates are low its the only way out , look at what Merkel did , cost her career .
Your comment about other more 'primitive' civilisations says it all AP ,
The native American tribesmen at least lived in some sort of equalibrium with nature , thats not to say crops didnt fail or there wasnt droughts or diseases or other stuff that caused mass extinction events along the way .
They may have been at peace with nature, but not fellow native Americans.
history said:
While eastern Indians fought almost exclusively to achieve retribution, southwestern Indians clashed with their neighbors both to avenge previous wrongs and to loot them of material possessions. Apaches and Navajos, for example, raided both each other and the sedentary Pueblo Indian tribes in an effort to acquire goods through plunder.
Maybe you can explain how exactly modern civilisation , which lets face it goes very much against nature and is totally unsustainable is anything but a short fuse with a clusterfuck waiting for us all at the end of it ?
Politcal screed, not in evidence. Air and water are both cleaner now than they have been for decades.
Those who complain bitterly about immigrants best realise the population of the USA would be in terminal decline were it not for the new blood coming in , in a economic system where growth is key and birth rates are low its the only way out , look at what Merkel did , cost her career .
In fact our nation was built by immigrants, my criticism is about illegal immigration.

Both parties have refused to reform immigration law for different reasons. One side appears to be trying to harvest future voters with free sh__, the other party is motivated to provide business with cheap labor.

Speaking of population growth
worlometer said:
Population in the world is, as of 2020, growing at a rate of around 1.05% per year (down from 1.08% in 2019, 1.10% in 2018, and 1.12% in 2017). The current average population increase is estimated at 81 million people per year. Annual growth rate reached its peak in the late 1960s, when it was at around 2%.

We are on a trajectory for the growth rate to continue slowing. This is most noticeable in wealthy western nations that have already fallen below replacement levels, but as the rest of the world gets more wealthy they don't need to crank out so many JIC children.


And I've pointed out that your "logic" is flawed (re: "slippery-slop into the bowels of disgust"). That you perceive some connection between what I've said and some racist extremism is ridiculous, but typical of much rhetoric emanating from the left these past several years.

This has nothing to do with politics, other than the soft-racist-politics (“Hey, it’s not racist because…”), though the right would have you believe otherwise with the rhetoric from them the past several years.
Both parties have refused to reform immigration law for different reasons. One side appears to be trying to harvest future voters with free sh__, the other party is motivated to provide business with cheap labor.
To be clear, only the extreme-right is spouting the great-replace conspiracy-theory and the past several years, has moved into mainstream media for political purpose.

Regardless, the reality is, neither side is truly interested at all. So why keep buying into these political talking-points? It seems only for political purpose.
To be clear, only the extreme-right is spouting the great-replace conspiracy-theory and the past several years, has moved into mainstream media for political purpose.
I never even heard of that one before and don't care enough to search it...
Regardless, the reality is, neither side is truly interested at all. So why keep buying into these political talking-points? It seems only for political purpose.
HUH? The democrats had a super majority under exPresident Obama and punted on immigration reform. They now hold a simple majority in both houses of congress and the WH, but still are dragging their feet about immigration reform. If anything they seem invested in the open border and business as usual.

I never even heard of that one before and don't care enough to search it...
Maybe you should, because more and more and more of the right are embracing it since it’s repeated nightly, by the likes of Tucker Carlson.
HUH? The democrats had a super majority under exPresident Obama and punted on immigration reform. They now hold a simple majority in both houses of congress and the WH, but still are dragging their feet about immigration reform. If anything they seem invested in the open border and business as usual.

HUH? Read it again. BOTH parties are not interested! Neither side is trying to come up with any real, reasonable solutions to the enormous real problem there. Why? Neither are interested even though they say they are. Stop buying the political talking-points.

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