I can really relate to this. My ability to fix stuff kind of gave me an internal pass to not work harder on music. “I can’t practice piano because I have to get this wurlitzer ready for some guy,” As a result, I ended up with less gigs and more electric pianos to repair. I came to really resent repairs, messed my back up leaning over circuit boards and piano actions, started being mean to nice people who only wanted to jam on their stuff. Really messed with my head. The curse I suppose. I wanted to bite the hand the hand that fed me, but it was my own handYou know, the ability to fix stuff is a blessing and a curse, at least for me, a musician. If I wasn't adept at repairs I would have worked harder to be a better bassist.
Today I'm replacing rotted out fascia and soffits in a part of the house where nothing is square and the sun don't shine enough. The handyman wanted $100 hour for stuff like that. >>> Entropy. PVC slows down entropy.
It would have been at least $1K. So there's the blessing side. The curse side no music gigs to even say no too and it's getting colder.>>>Entropy
When I was on the road for 5 years It was very hard to shift my focus from performing to fixing or designing. I designed and built my Small Signal Tube Checker while I was getting a bachelors in 95-97. But as I got older and the concerts were more enjoyable the less I wanted to solder. I was more flexible. Now at times I really hate that I do repairs and upgrades even though the money's much more than making music. So my internal >>>entropy<<< right there.
But….. blessing side I do have a ton of great gear that I got for nothing because it was broken, and can help my friends out when they are in a bind. The confidence that if my gear breaks down I can repair it is worth its weight in gold. I’ve met a ton of cool people I otherwise never would have. I finally made a break from repairs a year ago (thankfully I’ve had a resurgence as a sideman over the past couple years that let me get out) and am secretly starting to enjoy working on stuff again. Great cycle I suppose