know any jokes?

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Band name jokes

Started a band called “books” so no one will judge us by our covers.

Started a band called “free beer” so when we play pubs it will have tonight free beer on the sign and draw in the crowds.
Read in the newspaper today that a man survived a bear attack. His hiking parter who he shot in the knee did not.
The reminds me of the old bear joke.... two guys are out in the woods and they hear that there are bears loose in the woods. The first guy changes into running shoes. The second guy says you can't out run a bear. The first guy says I just have to out run you...
In the UK there is a common chocolate snack called a Penguin. They have started putting Penguin jokes on the packaging.

Why are Penguins' shops so busy? Because the fish fillet.


It might be my years of experience in audio, it might be my keen ear and eye but, I don’t think the kids in the “cars for kids” commercials are actually playing their instruments.
A man who just died found himself at the pearly gates talking to St Peter. He saw a bunch of clocks up on the wall that weren't hardly moving. He asked St Peter about the clocks and St Peter replies that every time someone lied their heavenly lie clock advances one minute.

The first clock that was still locked at midnight was mother Teresa's lie clock because she didn't ever lie.

The man asked St Peter where was President Biden and President Trump's clocks. St Peter replied that Jesus was using them for ceiling fans.

A man comes home from the doctor and he tells his wife “the doctor gave me a prescription for daily sex”
The wife looks over the prescription and tells him “ you idiot, the medication is gor dyslexia”