know any jokes?

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Two older men at sitting outside a cafe having a conversation.
One man says “I took my wife to the Caribbean last month.”
The other man says “Jamaica?”
The first man says “no, she wanted to go”
Two older men at sitting outside a cafe having a conversation.
One man says “I took my wife to the Caribbean last month.”
The other man says “Jamaica?”
The first man says “no, she wanted to go”
The old ones are the best. Reminds me of:

Two guys were drinking in the pub. The first guy says "I am thinking of taking my wife to foreign shores."

The second guy says, "What shores?"

The first guy says. "That is very kind. I'll have another pint"


A guy goes to the doctor complaining of headaches.the doctor says you have a rare issue where your testicles press on your spine. We can cute the constant headaches by removing your testicles.
The guy agrees.
Weeks after the surgery the man is healed and goes to a custom tailor for a new suit.
The tailor looks him over and goes size 36 pants 39 length?
The guy says that’s right. How did you know.
The tailor says I been at this a long time.
The tailor goes and your shirt? size 42 with a sleeve plenty of 63.
The guy goes amazing.
This continues until they get to the underwear.
The tailor says size 36. The guy refutes and says he has been a size 32 all his adult life there is no way he is a 36.
The tailor goes well, that maybe but you are a size 36. If you were wearing a 32 your testicles would press against your spine.
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Two guys meet at a pub every so often as they have been friends for ages.
One guy says “so me and the missus after years are finally going on a holiday”
His friend says “oh yeah? Where are you going?”
First guy says “well, I wanted to surprise her so I said toss this dart at the map of the world. Wherever it lands, we will go on holiday for two weeks.”
His friends says. “Wow, that’s a great idea. I bet she will love it. Where are you going?”
The first guy says “Well based on her throw, we are going behind the couch.”

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