ilfungo said:Hi Abe!!!
I've wired the stereo link in old way and all is much better
The channels are anyway better in mono mode.
It's possible to use something other tube best matched like JJ6386?
CW stands for "clockwise", regarding the way the pot rotates, the opposite would be CCW or "counter clockwise"Esoterimix said:Hey guys, I need someone to make a quick clarification.... In the stereo linking image Abe posted, it says to link the "CW" on both the attach and release on the right channel.
- What does CW stand for? the only references I've found in general electronic terms have to do with clockwise or counter-clockwise... But, for some reason, I get the feeling it was intended to mean wiper...
Also, I managed to short the AC input at the IEC connector.... After I reset the circuit breaker and went back to testing, it seemed that the toroid has the proper output into the PSU... However, I'm getting absolutely no control of the voltages at the power rail section. I'm assuming I need to replace the regulators but I figured I would at least make sure there isn't something I'm missing. Fuse is good, tried turning the variable resistors as well.... Even the 100V rail isn't giving me anything once it enters the PSU - haven't had time to figure out where it stops. Any input would be great. Thanks guys...
abechap024 said:prh said:It appears that the Lundahls are connect with pin 1 and 3 as input. It seems to me, from the Lunhdahl data sheet, that pins 2 and 4 need to be jumpered for that to work?
On the PCB, there is not continuity between pins 2 and 4 for the Lundahl footprint...
That is correct. Had it on the other revisions...overlooked it on this one. The output pins are correct just the input pins need to be jumped...I'll add that to the manual. Good looking out..
boneindian said:Having a bit of confusion as to the 120VAC input on the power supply. Of course a dual primary dual secondary 120V/18V transformer like this one
which looks just like the one in the wiring diagram only puts out 18V through each of the secondaries. And, although there are four primary wires obviously they need to be jumpered together for parallel operation. How exactly is one supposed to run 120VAC to the board using the type of transformer specified in the BOM? Maybe i'm just not understanding this on a basic level but I'm stumped.