Trump convicted on 34 felony charges

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thanks for citing evidence of my premise.
Not really seeing you complain when, say, the conservatives here hurl insults at the left, to say nothing of your own remarks.
I have long argued for prohibiting ad hominem against non-forum members because that normalizes and invites ad hominem to expand and involve forum members. I found no support for such a rules change.

I apologize to all the advocates for the left posting here who feel that I offended them. It isn't personal but I am human.
Hearts and minds, you say?
and votes.... ;)

Hurling insults at the left is pretty much howling to the moon as there is no left in the USA.

Besides, some of those conservatives are so eternally stupid that you wonder how they got where they are. There's probably equally stupid folk on the other side, but they don't make as much noise, I guess.

I've stopped watching Marjorie Taylor Greene. There's only so much of that show I can take, but it's as if I need to wand off several other talking heads every week.
Yes, we saw that all through the 2020 Summer of Love with far right BLM, Antifa, and others torching buildings, assaulting citizens and cops, and murdering. Obvious NYT bias (likely sourced from the now discredited SPLC) is obvious. But since few were prosecuted for those crimes, they conveniently won't appear in any stats (now or ever). Funny how that works.

Not really seeing you complain when, say, the conservatives here hurl insults at the left, to say nothing of your own remarks. Hearts and minds, you say?
Grow a thicker skin. Verbal jabs are far preferable to the alternative (see 2020 Summer of Love).
Personally attacking tens of millions of voters (ad hominem) is not how to win hearts and minds, or arguments.

Logic and empirical evidence don't seem to work either. What is the answer to getting through to the MAGA right?

Also, I'm sure you didn't read the article I linked, because the author talks about "motivated ignorance" in a much broader sense than just the extraordinary popular delusions and madness of the Trumpist crowd. You likely would have noticed this if you weren't motivated to ignore pretty much everything I link to here.
Hurling insults at the left is pretty much howling to the moon as there is no left in the USA.
I guess anyone right of Marx is far-right on your skewed scale.

Besides, some of those conservatives are so eternally stupid that you wonder how they got where they are. There's probably equally stupid folk on the other side, but they don't make as much noise, I guess.
They do. AOC, Hirono, Omar, & Co. make plenty of stupid and offensive noise, it probably just doesn't get coverage in your far-left sources.

I've stopped watching Marjorie Taylor Greene. There's only so much of that show I can take, but it's as if I need to wand off several other talking heads every week.
I don't like watching her, either. But there's Kennedy from Louisiana, Jordan from Ohio, Cruz from Texas, Cotton from AR, Paul from Kentucky, and many others who do a much better job of representing conservative and moderate conservative views in Congress.
Logic and empirical evidence don't seem to work either. What is the answer to getting through to the MAGA right?
Stop supporting those who continue to undermine the foundations of the USA or otherwise weaken/destroy it. It's simple. Your chosen people are making America worse than it has been in decades. I walked away from them once they stopped making any pragmatic decisions and leaned harder and harder on emotion and fear as the basis for pretty much everything. Feelings should not be the foundation of existence and should not supercede thinking when making critical decisions.
there's Kennedy from Louisiana
He used to not act so stupid. That guy's got serious degrees, and he plays a fricking buffoon in the Senate. He puts on quite a show for the rubes. I had a little respect for him once upon a time, but he quickly took care of that for me.

Jordan from Ohio
Lots of bluster. Tacitly condoned sexual abuse of young men under his charge. Lots of show, no substance.

Cotton from AR
Another Republican trying to hide his Ivy League education.

Paul from Kentucky
The more I see of him, the more I understand how his next door neighbor might be driven to fracture several of his ribs. Gadfly is about the nicest thing that could be said about him.

moderate conservative views in Congress
None of these is moderate in any way, shape or form.
I apologize to all the advocates for the left posting here who feel that I offended them.
Why are you pretending that anyone was offended? I was just noting that your own statements also aren't designed "to win hearts and minds, or arguments". That's your bar, not mine. You are not obliged to persuade, but neither is anyone else.
Well, if you consider Cruz an example of intelligent life on earth...

It's probably a fine thing most of his constituents are old. Like Leon County where the avg age is 68.3.

Rolling Stone Magazine has it pretty much summed up: "Cruz isn't crazy, he's much worse":

Maybe Cruz could be a worse candidate than the two you have to choose from soon? He's got the makings of a dictator, I fear.
Stop supporting those who continue to undermine the foundations of the USA or otherwise weaken/destroy it. It's simple. Your chosen people are making America worse than it has been in decades. I walked away from them once they stopped making any pragmatic decisions and leaned harder and harder on emotion and fear as the basis for pretty much everything. Feelings should not be the foundation of existence and should not supercede thinking when making critical decisions.

Oh, but America will be great. It is great...

For big corporations and the 1%. The capitalist heaven par excellence.
Yes, we saw that all through the 2020 Summer of Love with far right BLM, Antifa, and others torching buildings, assaulting citizens and cops, and murdering. Obvious NYT bias (likely sourced from the now discredited SPLC) is obvious. But since few were prosecuted for those crimes, they conveniently won't appear in any stats (now or ever). Funny how that works.
Word salad. And the left gets criticized for virtue signaling lmao. I can't believe you couldn't figure out a wat to throw woke or DEI in there
The woke DEI (didn't earn it) attack against meritocracy is eroding our foundations. There is already evidence of decay.
We are already seeing a pushback against DEI in industry. Government and education have embraced it with both flippers.

[edit- speaking of DEI reportedly the 2021 $5B government program to build EV charging stations has only finished less than 10. One explanation I heard was that they had trouble meeting DEI criteria for vendors in many parts of the country. Of course this may be fake news. 🤔

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Why are you pretending that anyone was offended? I was just noting that your own statements also aren't designed "to win hearts and minds, or arguments". That's your bar, not mine. You are not obliged to persuade, but neither is anyone else.
He's still doing that whole "oh are you offended? Hmm triggered much mayhaps?" thing, i giess it worked to rile people up some years back but it's pretty tired now, just ignore it
Word salad. And the left gets criticized for virtue signaling lmao. I can't believe you couldn't figure out a wat to throw woke or DEI in there
The truth hurts. Did or did not these groups violently riot in multiple locations during the summer of 2020? How many people did they kill and injure? How much damage did they cause? How have municipalities that voted to defund law enforcement fared w.r.t. crime these past couple of years and how many are now trying to reverse course?
Oh, but America will be great. It is great...

For big corporations and the 1%. The capitalist heaven par excellence.
As usual the Euro guys project their fixed social caste/status garbage onto the US. Many Americans rise well above the economic state that their own parents were in. Many fall out of the upper tiers, too. It isn't a static condition.

I was a 2% earner my last couple of years before retirement, but started out making $25k/yr in 1992 in California. I know people who were in the 1% and fell well below due to poor choices, lack of planning, and/or circumstances (dotcom crash, divorce, debt issues, 2009 crash, etc.). Some turned it back around and others didn't. Most people I know have no desire to be in the 1%. They have other priorities.

I'd like to see the US exit NATO and reduce our spending on the UN. Let Europe handle their own problems as it appears they prefer to do. I'm tired of my hard-earned tax dollars going to support the thankless masses there. Better to spend it on our own improvement (and reduce total gov spending).
Just look at your health insurance system. Now pray you don't get sick, or have an accident...

Sorry, just watched an American having to sell everything because he's sick.


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