good gravy, I finally tried to fire mine up tonight and I got nothing, nothing at all. Voltages seem ok, but nothing in bypass no sound no way. I'll go over all the wiring and parts placement, but man am I depressed now.
I feel like there's something big I'm not getting, what is CV? What is CCV? I see those points on the power supply and reading through the thread I've picked up that I should alligator clip them to the control board for testing, but do they play a part in normal operation?
Looking at the schematic I'm pretty confused, mostly by the relays. It's a new concept to me and I don't understand their function, I figured I didn't have to since there was only one way to put them on the board.
If some one could explain those things to me that might be a start, other wise I'll keep digging and asking til we hit on something.