GroupdDIY 511 Racks: round 5.5 available

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Um, I'm not on the list? Is that your personal list Volker? I contacted Sahib directly months ago asking to be put down for 2? Was I incorrect in thinking that there were 3 contact points for the racks, UK (Sahib), Europe (Volker) & USA (Jeff)?


this list was created by Jeff going thru all the posts in this thread, starting at post#1.
[btw thanks a lot Jeff, I know how much work this is]
Indeed Matt contacted me by private e-mail and he'll be added onto the list. Matt you are o.k.

I also have a particular dealing with Rednoise. I sold him goods on e-bay but they went missing. Hence he is on credit with me.

Barish is my younger brother hence that will be a special dealings too.

However, there is the good news for the ones who missed to get on the boat. I have six units in hand. These were first production samples. The fabricator has confirmed that 50 has ben completed. I have  bought the 4:40 taps today and they'll be tapped tomorrow. The second 50 units are being cut and I'll ask them to add on another 10 or 20. However, the problem is the PCBs. I think Volker had a run of 108. Therefore we may have to order more PCBs.
Thanks Cemal, nothing like a mild heartattack on a Thursday evening, Hah Hah!!! Thanks again to everyone who has made this possible, I, as I'm sure each of us, thank you. It truly is a labour of love from you guys.


As for the list, yes I went from the very beginning of this thread and copy/pasted the name and qty of everyone who posted...I stopped when I got to 100. Only because the first 100 is the main priority. The rest will follow soon.

I will continue copy/pasting from where I left off, for the next batch(es). So, if you are reading this and will want one, definitely post a note saying so for us.

I have not spoken to Volker or Sahib about this yet, but I am assuming that the reservations posted on this thread are the top priority. When everybody here gets what they want, we will then start to stock them at our web stores. Right boys? FWIW, I have been contacted by quite a few people about the racks and I tell them to sign up and post what they want here. This is official!  :eek:

Anyhow, so who needs a good screw???

I got me a box of 10K freshly plated, black oxide, #4-40 X 3/8" philips oval head screws in today! Time to start dividing them into bags of 25. Lets see...that's 400 gosh darn bags!@!&* I'm looking for some volunteers?  ???

They do look kind of sexy though eh?

FWIW, Dennis from 9-volt (User name API) really pushed me to get the oval heads. We were just gonna do regular flat heads. Those are easy to find. These are not quite as readily available but still not a problem. They are a bitch to try and find at your local hardware store if even possible. McMaster Carr does not carry them either. Not in the black anyways.

The ovals are historically correct for API. Same for my console...same for their racks...same for our GDIY 51x racks. I had to arm wrestle Sahib to get him to change to the #4-40. Thanks Cemal. I think you will be happy in the long run!

Just like a great mix. The beauty is in the small details.  8)

Cheers, Jeff


I dig it.  :)

Yeah, good call on the ovals: they are the only way to go, "classier" than a flat head. IMHO.

Not too mention more "accurate".

Thanks for your attention to detail. I (amongst many here) appreciate it.


I Just LOVE a good beautiful screw!! ;D ;D ;D
As you know stuffing bags is my specialty!! lol

Now that I just filled my DIY 9 spacer
with some pico 500s.... :) :) :)
I'll be up for some 12 space PCBs some time next year
As I just GOT to build me a small side car. 8) 8)


jsteiger said:
I got me a box of 10K freshly plated, black oxide, #4-40 X 3/8" philips oval head screws in today! Time to start dividing them into bags of 25. Lets see...that's 400 gosh darn bags!@!&* I'm looking for some volunteers?  ???

Jeff, nice screws ;D ;D ;D
honestly, I wouldn't count them - just weight one screw and calculate, or better weight a bag of 25 and there you go ...
much faster, and your manufacture will have done the same.
then you don't say 25 screws, just 100g (or whatever their weight is) ;) :D
I doubt there is a big tolerance, just +/- one (and with a target of 25 pieces no problem)
Hi all,

I have received updated locations from all but one individual. This is for the first 100 kits. That guy is mark.james.

Please send me your ship to location so we can finish dividing the parts and components up.

Please email it to me at jsteiger1965 @ yahoo . com.

I will also send you another pm.

Hey guys, I'm on the list but can't remember if I sent details (losing the plot!) - are you in need of details from me?

Also, I think I said 3 racks... possibly 12 slotters. Are 11 slots in-line for me? I would now prefer the 11's...

Cheers Tom

You are indeed in the list but I have to check the quantity wth the guys. However, I am sure we'll work out something for you.

I did not go ahead with the 12 module units as there is not much interest to meet the target price. However, I can easily give you a quote depending on the quantity if you are still interested. Drop me an e-mail if you are going ahead with the console you mentioned.

On a seperate matter I am building the prototype for the 19" power supply unit and hopefully I'll post the pictures this weekend.

Kind regards,

could I ask for a place on the second list please, finances declared me out of the running for the first, but wont for the second

Hi Volker, I posted this on August 20th:

TCM said:
Hi Volker,

due to a financial obligation which was not planned, I have to cancel for the first run!  :(

I hope you get your web shop up. And I plan to order later this year!


My situation is still the same! SAD
2Low said:
Will there be a second run anytime soon ?
Yes, immediately after this first run we plan on ordering more. I can not specifically define "immediately" but it will be as fast as we can. It is mostly a financial thing so when the funds start coming in for the first we will go for more. No, don't send us money yet!
