GroupdDIY 511 Racks: round 5.5 available

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lofi said:
could I ask for a place on the second list please, finances declared me out of the running for the first, but wont for the second
Iain, with this avatar you will get VIP service :)
I love the old Neubauten albums.

TCM said:
Hi Volker, I posted this on August 20th:
TCM said:
Hi Volker,
due to a financial obligation which was not planned, I have to cancel for the first run!  :(
I hope you get your web shop up. And I plan to order later this year!
My situation is still the same! SAD
no problem, no need to feel sorry. this is only a reservation list, not a "I have to take / pay" list.
[quote author=[silent:arts]
I love the old Neubauten albums.


You have impeccable taste!!! I used Halber mench to clear a dance floor when the guy doing the dj slot after me started complaining about how he would not be able to blend his decent hip hop with my 'crap'

my final comment...

'No worries, theres nobody left to dance anyhow'  ;D
jsteiger said:
As for the list, yes I went from the very beginning of this thread and copy/pasted the name and qty of everyone who posted...I stopped when I got to 100. Only because the first 100 is the main priority. The rest will follow soon.

I will continue copy/pasting from where I left off, for the next batch(es). So, if you are reading this and will want one, definitely post a note saying so for us.

Okay, put me down for an 11 slot unit...    Nashville, TN, USA, etc.
edit  on 12/17/09: put me down for two.
sahib said:

You are indeed in the list......

On a seperate matter I am building the prototype for the 19" power supply unit and hopefully I'll post the pictures this weekend.

Kind regards,


Great stuff, thanks Cemal and Volker!

3 x 11slots is perfect! thanks.
The console idea is still on the go but I am so busy that I'm not sure I can be so ambitious with this one. Full channel strip is already designed but this will have to be later.
Need the racks for mixing rig now, can't wait for the rest!

Cheers Tom
I edited this post , don't know if it makes sense at this point , but anyway:

1 x 11 space unit.
1 x PSU.
I'm in Belgium, so I guess I'm on Volker's list.
I'm VAT registered.

I am posting for one of the 11 spacers with preferably an external PSU that i make. I spoke with Jeff to ask about getting on a list but i wanted to have my post here for if one pops up available.
Unfortunately laser cut facias did not arrive. Therefore you just have to be content with the render below. I'll put up the pictures of the prototype mid-next week.


Wow  :eek:  :eek:  :eek: . looks awesome!! and expensive. any estimation/goal for pricing? I'm interested to know what the total will be with lunchbox...
It looks expensive but will not break the bank.

We'll be in a position to announce the price next week.
Will there be a smaller PSU solution?
I will probably never need that much power, and I'm always short on rackspace... ???

It's beautiful, though.
That won't be a problem but we should have sufficient demand to get a price break. I'll knock a design together and post the images next week.
would a smaller PSU case be ready by the time the racks are ready or would that come later do you think?

At this point nobody really knows when the racks will be ready either.  ???

I only really have 3U left for gear and that's after I sold some of my other preamps so I don't have room for a rack based PSU.  I box that sits behind the rack would be OK though.
I can assure you that the cases are almost ready. Two thirds were manufactured and tapped last week. The fabricator I use actually specialises in large contracts such as super markets. So this was a bit of a new work for them and they had to do a lot of squeezing in. I also have a good work relation with them. I did few control electronics design for them in the past and that is why they gave me a really good price. Hopefully I will ship Jeff's batch towards the end of next week.

I'll report back by next Tuesday or Wednesday..
I'll discuss this with the fabricator tomorrow. Dimensions are 300mm (depth) x 250mm (width) x 150mm (height). The connectors on the outputs are shown for 5 pin Neutric for dual + 48V and 9 pin for quad + 48V option but esentially the foot prints of both connectors are the same, hence you can use both the same type if you wanted to.

Don't pay much attention to the ventilation holes on the top, I know it is too long. Can be shorter.




One connector per module, hence it can power two units at present but I can get four connectors if required.
Please sign me up for a lunchbox and powersupply as well. I have been following the project for some time now and it looks very good :)
Actually depending on the price i'm up for 2 of these 11 spacers with a single if it powers two. I wouldnt mind a rackmount PSU for all that it matters.