Trump convicted on 34 felony charges

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It’s kinda like sanctuary cities. It should be a vote by the people not a representatives decision. Is there hidden federal funds for sanctuary cities? It sure looks like it. It’s all political spin isn’t it? I know I just moved the goal post but representatives or worst yet mayors, AGs deciding the ability for a president to run a campaign is interfering in the choice in 49 other states. It’s interference to at least 25 states. It should and will be challenged. This needs to go to court outside a hostile venue because it is a direct interference in a presidential election. Like it or not there will be repercussions.
It sure looks like it.
It sure looks like a lot of things. You haven't even bothered to provide any evidence of these suspicions. Why would I bother to care about your hunches & suspicions if you don't offer support for them?

AGs deciding the ability for a president to run a campaign is interfering in the choice in 49 other states.
There's nothing preventing a criminal running for pres--been done before. E. V. Debs did it from the Atlanta Federal Pen, and I believe LaRouche may have done so as well. Trump's problem here is of his own making--if he weren't a criminal, he'd be fine. And if that keeps him off the ballot in a few states... well, he should have thought of that before he did all that crimin'.
Don't you see the real crime here Hodad? It's forcing the right to embrace the very lawfare which has been so strenuously argued against as being wrong on these very forums. They'll be forced to make up bullshit to prosecute which is wrong but they'll have no choice!

Or maybe they'll be consistent and refuse to do it so as to not appear hypocritical HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry I almost made it to the end.
I'm opposed to lawfare, that why I'm voting for the guy who's explicitly statement he'll use the office for revenge!
I truly wish we had "two" better options but this is what the system has offered us.
exPresident Trump has "explicitly" stated that his revenge will be success.

Some (many?) in the deep state are starting to squirm at the prospect that exPresident Trump could win in Nov. Because they are afraid he will behave like they did. This time around Trump is not the wet behind the ears businessman/reality TV celebrity. Now he knows how the swamp works and is more aware. He is still inclined to provide plenty of out of context sound bites for social media to flog.
One concern that I have heard voiced recently is about the left's tendency to project, making complaints that the right will do stuff that they are already doing or planning to do. I sure hope this is wrong and they honor the outcome of a fair vote.

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So the guy we are not supposed to believe for things he said, we now believe for things he said?
This isn't a riddle. There isn't one door guarded by a guy who always tells the truth and the other guarded by a guy who always lies.
Is your pro-Trump argument that we should never believe a word he says? That's a take I guess.
This isn't a riddle. There isn't one door guarded by a guy who always tells the truth and the other guarded by a guy who always lies.
Is your pro-Trump argument that we should never believe a word he says? That's a take I guess.
is your anti trump argument that we should?
Schrödinger’s trump. He simultaneously lies and tells the truth.
Well you can look at it as picking the lesser of two evils. But when has picking evil ever been a good idea.
It's better than leaving the swamp dwellers completely unsupervised with zero negative feedback, arguably a third evil.

I don't mind people not voting because it lets my vote carry more weight.

What I call "willful ignorance" this guy calls "motivated ignorance."

One of the criteria that need to be taken into account in assessing the moral culpability of people is how absurd the lies are that they are espousing; a second is how intentionally they are avoiding evidence that exposes the lies because they are deeply invested in the lie; and a third is is how consequential the lie is.
Personally attacking tens of millions of voters (ad hominem) is not how to win hearts and minds, or arguments.

It appears that one side is predominantly attacking the supporters of the other.

Perhaps that is just my personal bias. ;)
